Wooden candle holder with a round base

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Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base
Wooden candle holder with a round base

Sure, even with this small round base, it stands its ground! :)

Just insert it skillfully in the middle so that it is balanced and does not tip over.

"Standard" size of wooden wicks: 13 cm × 1.3 cm

Rips-pops... it crackles like a fireplace!

Try them and enjoy the crackling of the fire! :)

Place of origin: EU (NOT made in China!)


The wicks are made manually, so there may be slight differences in size or color between them.

Be prepared that working with wooden wicks is not easy, it is for real black belt candle makers!

Many people think that "I just pour it in, light it and that's it!", but in their case this is very much not the case. Long experimentation is recommended!

For example, you should not light the top, but the bottom, so that the wax starts to melt. That's why it doesn't work very well with matches, only with a lighter, because if you burn the top, it won't burn well anymore.
We do not guarantee that it will work properly with all waxes, it requires long testing, even the best ones had a lot of experimentation before they found the best method. (You can also read a great article about this on Meseláng soon)

In general, 1 tile alone will not be enough, so we recommend using 2-3 tiles depending on the size of the jar.

We don't want to spoil your mood, we just thought it was important to mention them so that you know these things if you give your head to "picking" :)

Unfortunately, we cannot take responsibility for failures due to the incorrect pairing of ingredients or lack of practice!

That's why we recommend buying a couple of them first, and only then buy a larger quantity of them once you've got them!

Come on, come on, let those wicks crackle! :)

180 Ft
Bonus point : 2 Ft
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A fa kanócok "standard" mérete: 13 cm × 1,3 cm
Megújult, vastagabb változat, elég belőle 1 db is. Nem csak szuperül ég, de költséghatékony is! :)

Ripsz-ropsz... mint egy kandalló úgy ropog!
Próbáld ki őket és élvezd a tűz ropogását!

Származási hely: EU (NEM Kínában készül!)


A kanócok manuálisan készülnek, tehát apróbb méret- vagy színbeli eltérés előfordulhat közöttük.

Nem garantáljuk, hogy minden viasszal megfelelően fog működni, hosszas tesztelés szükséges hozzá, még a legjobbaknak is rengeteg kísérletezés volt, mire rájöttek mi a legtutibb módszer. (Erről egy szuper cikket is olvashatsz hamarosan a Meselángon)

A helytelen alapanyag párosításból vagy gyakorlatlanságból adódó sikertelenségekért sajnos nem tudunk felelősséget vállalni!

Ezért javasoljuk első körben pár db beszerzését, és, ha bejött, csak akkor vásároljatok belőlük nagyobb mennyiséget!

Hajrá-hajrá, ropogjanak azok a kanócok! :)

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